black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Storytelling craft, simple and direct.

To tighten your craft, get your free copy of Lani's book, How Story Works, via the button below.

To unlock your magic... keep scrolling.

Incredibly insightful, eye-opening, and empowering for anyone who reads fiction. (And, it's a lot of fun!) —reader review for How Story Works


*digital versions only

Writing workshops designed to help you unlock your magic

Craft is the stuff you can put your back against; the principles of storytelling like conflict, structure and character. If that's your problem, I recommend getting your free digital copy of How Story Works.

Magic is more ethereal. It's put simply... you. It's all the unquantifiable wonder that you as an individual bring to your writing. It's the flavor in the dish. But in order to unlock it to its fullest potential, you need to know how to lean into your strengths and stop focusing on your weaknesses.

A task that is easier said than done.

That's why I've built two yearly workshops, both beginning with deep mindset work to prepare you to write to the best of your ability, and here's the real magic: Both workshops are based in small, tight communities of writers who are going through the same process, at your side.

The Running of the WIPs is a process-first, writer-focused, communitycore, guided writing challenge via Substack and Discord. (September-June)

The Year of Writing Magically is a workshop where I am also a participant, writing my newest novel alongside you writing yours. Every other Saturday, the group meets live on Zoom for two hours for instruction, chat, and group exercises. (March-December)



new novel* written by you


*or other long-form fiction project (screenplay, graphic novel, comic series, TV episode(s)... you get the picture. All forms welcome.

Free resources to learn about story

I have been podcasting for a long damn time about this stuff. You will get sick of my voice before you run out of material to listen to. Srsly.

Story studies in podcast form

Visit Chipperish Media to learn more about all of my podcasts, each of which deep dive into books, movies, and TV shows to learn more about story.

The How Story Works Podcast

Listen to me work out How Story Works in real time, using movies and TV shows as examples, and offering writing insights and advice for writers at all stages.

Get a paperback copy of How Story Works!

While the ebook and audiobook of How Story Works are available for free, you can get a paperback copy through Amazon, or a signed copy directly from me!

Unsigned copy: $14.99
Signed copy: $20

Shipping to the U.S. included. Outside of the U.S., shipping is $5.